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What Processes Should Wood Processing Go Through From Logs To Finished Products?

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Wood is widely used as furniture consumables. How many processes does it go through from a single log to the final product?

1、 Wood classification
The wood currently used in design is mainly divided into natural wood and artificial board. Natural wood inevitably has various defects during its growth process, and a large amount of corner waste is also generated during processing. In order to improve the utilization rate of wood and improve product quality, artificial boards made by synthesizing wood and other plant debris and fibers have been widely promoted and applied. Artificial board is a product of the development of natural wood, and commonly used in design include large core board, plywood, decorative panels, etc.
The processing technology of wood mainly includes wood cutting, wood drying, wood bonding, and wood surface decoration. Wood cutting can be divided into three forms:
(1) The workpiece is cut with a layer of relatively deformed chips, leaving only semi-finished or finished products, such as planing, turning, etc;
(2) Chips themselves are products, such as veneer rotary cutting, planing, etc;
(3) The chips and remaining workpieces are both products, such as milling used in chip manufacturing.
3、 Wood drying
Logs are rarely directly used for design. Usually, logs need to undergo natural or artificial drying to reduce the moisture content of the wood to the appropriate value, which can reduce deformation or cracking of the wood during use.
Natural drying is the process of air drying wood stacks. Artificial drying mainly uses the drying kiln method, and simple baking and baking methods can also be used.
A drying kiln is a drying chamber equipped with circulating air equipment, which can regulate and control the temperature and humidity of the air. The quality of wood dried in a drying kiln is good, and the moisture content can be reduced to below 10%. The dried wood can reduce weight, save labor and costs in transportation, and also prevent decay and prolong the service life of the wood. In the production and processing process, it can prevent deformation and warping, increase elasticity, and improve the quality of wooden products.
4、 Wood bonding
Wood bonding is the process of bonding wood to the surface of wood or other materials. It is the development of mortise and nail joint methods for wooden components, which can improve the utilization rate of wood. For example, lengthening short timber, thickening thin timber, widening narrow timber, and so on. Gluing is often used for artificial boards.
5、 Wood surface processing treatment
After the final product is made, wooden products need to undergo surface processing to meet the visual requirements of users. Artificial boards are processed before use or after being made into wooden products. There are currently three types of decoration processes used: coating, overlaying, and mechanical processing.
Wood veneer gives people a special sense of vision and touch, so it is widely used in modern structural engineering, decoration engineering and furniture industry.

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